Types of Yorkies: 2 Different Types of Yorkie Dogs

Last Updated on April 22, 2023

The adorable Yorkshire terrier originated in England, but these little dogs have rapidly taken over the hearts of people across the world.

Now, they’re one of the most popular dogs in the United States, and it’s easy to see why. 

Yorkshire Terrier family portrait
Four Yorkshire Terrier, two adults with two puppies on a basket

These spunky little pals make the perfect companion. But did you know there are several different types? Find out more in this guide.

Types of Yorkie Puppies

Did you know that there are two sizes of Yorkshire terriers? Yep!

While the American Kennel Club (AKC) only officially recognizes the standard size, unofficially, there is also a smaller size known as teacup Yorkies. 

Then there are all the different coat colors, many of which people don’t even know about. This guide will introduce you to all the different types. 

Yorkie Type Based on Size 

Want to know a bit more about the two sizes that you can come across? Here are the details about this toy breed:

All About the Standard Yorkie

a Yorkshite Terrier happily laying on a grass field
Source: @benny_aka_benson / IG

The standard Yorkie is about seven pounds and reaches 7 to 8 inches at the shoulder. They’re one of the smallest dog breeds out there. 

Yorkies were bred to be hunters using Scottish and English breeds, including the Skye terrier and the extinct paisley terrier (also known as a Clydesdale terrier). 

But these days, rather than being used as hunters, they’re the quintessential lap dog.

While they might indulge in their genetic legacy of running after rodents, they are just as happy to hang out with you watching TV or taking a walk.

A yorkie isn’t the best dog for homes with babies or toddlers, but they’re perfect for families.

If you want to know more about this lively little lovebug, please check out our guide to the Standard Yorkie

Say Hello to the Teacup Yorkie

a Teacup Yorkie looking up while hiding on the tall grass
Source: @benny_aka_benson / IG

If you thought a standard Yorkie was small, wait ‘til you meet the teacup. This dog is really tiny.

They grow to only 5 or 6 inches tall and are usually no heavier than 3 pounds. Otherwise, they look just like their bigger cousins. 

Technically, they don’t fit the AKC breed standard, so you wouldn’t be able to take them to official dog shows and win.

But they still make a great companion for dog lovers and they make a great little watchdog. 

The bad news is that these dogs are prone to health problems since they have been bred to be so small.

They can have hypoglycemia, bone and teeth issues, heart issues, liver shunts, and a number of other health issues. Because of this, they may have a shortened lifespan.

While all small breeds tend to be a bit difficult to potty train, these dogs have a bit of a reputation for being hard to teach where to go potty.

We have a whole guide to these pint-sized Teacup Yorkies, so head over there if you want more info.

Yorkie Type Based on Coat Color, Pattern, and Markings

a shiny black Yorkshire Terrier on a soft dog bed
Source: @prada_theblackyorkterrier / IG

Beyond size, you can also categorize Yorkies by their coats. There are multiple colors, patterns, and markings that you can come across.

All Yorkies have that signature silky coat and long hair that can be trimmed or allowed to grow down to the ground. 

From there, there are a number of different color combinations that you might see. 

Black Yorkies are rare, but now and then, you’ll see one. They are usually born a black and tan color, but as they mature, the coat gradually turns to black and eventually blue.

This video shows you an adorable black Yorkie in action. 

The typical color that you see on a Yorkie is a tan body with black and/or blue hair over its back and along the body. The tail should also have some blue.

The chest and legs should be bright, rich tan. Any blue should be dark steel-blue, light silvery. 

a long-haired Yorkie laying under the sun
Source: @canela.oyorkie / IG

Any dog that doesn’t have this coloring doesn’t fit the Yorkie standard. That doesn’t mean that they won’t make great pets, but just that they won’t win any conformation competitions.

That brings us to the parti. A parti Yorkie has a blue and gold, blue and tan, black and gold, or black and tan coat.

The blue can be nearly black-looking or more of a steel blue. No matter which color, they will also have white markings, making up a patchwork coat.

a short hair Parti Yorkie wearing a cute violet bowtie
Source: @louiethepartiyorkie / IG

These dogs are exactly the same as other Yorkshire terriers, the only difference is their coloring, which is the result of a recessive gene.

Then there are mismarked Yorkies. These dogs have some sort of marking that isn’t accepted by the AKC as an official marking.

Something like a large white spot on the chest or head would qualify as a mismarking. 

Also Read: The different types of Yorkie colors

Yorkie Type Based on Breed

a side profile of a Chorkie standing
Source: @chorkieriley / IG

Purebred Yorkies have been bred with lots of other small size dogs in order to create what is known as “designer dogs.”

When you breed a Yorkie mix, you can never be sure exactly what you’ll get, but you can be sure they’ll be incredibly cute.

Designer “Yorkies”

Technically called mixedbreeds (and sometimes, jokingly, mutts), designer Yorkies include those that have been bred with another small breed.

These are not purebred dogs, but dogs to purebreds that have been bred together. 

A chihuahua Yorkie cross (a chorkie) is a common combination, as is a Maltese Yorkie cross, which is known as a morkie. You’ll also see poodle crosses, called Yorkiepoos, and dachshund crosses.

You’ll also see a Yorkshire terrier mixed with Pomeranians, Shih Tzus, Miniature Schnauzers, and Papillons. 

Curious to learn more? We have a whole guide on the different Yorkie mixes out there. Check it out.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

a Biewer Terrier wearing a red collar standing on the grass
Source: @biewer_terrier_bony / IG

There’s also a new dog on the scene known as the BiewerTerrier (it’s pronounced beaver). This dog was bred in the 1980s using Yorkshire Terrier stock. It was officially recognized by the AKC in 2021.

These dogs look similar to a Yorkie, but they have lots of white in their coat and they can be ever so slightly larger. Their coloring comes from a recessive piebald gene that doesn’t usually appear in the Yorkie breed.

This dog was named after Mrs. and Mrs. Biewer, who bred, raised, sold, and showed Yorkshire terriers in the 1970s and 80s before introducing this breed. They were known for their impressive pooches.

Conclusion: Which Type of Yorkie is Best?

Two captivating Yorkshire Terrier on a flower garden
Source: @maya.mora.y.frank / IG

Bet you didn’t know that there were so many different types of Yorkies, right? There are! So which one is right for you? It all depends on what you want out of a dog. 

Need a companion to go walking with? Maybe a standard is right. Want a tiny pooch you can carry with you? Go with a teacup.

As for color, that’s easy. Just pick the one that you think is the cutest! Once you lay eyes on a litter of Yorkshire terrier puppies, we’re sure you’ll know which one is right for you.

Further reading: Find out more about purebred pooches

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