Last Updated on April 20, 2023
Dogs have been helping humans in their military endeavors ever since they’ve been domesticated.
They continue to do so even today, so many dog owners feel inspired by the military when naming their best friends.

Also, military names for dogs are usually awesome. With that in mind, we have created a list of the best military dog names to help you out.
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How do you pick the right military name for your dog?
Whether you are a member of the military or not, honoring those who served and their heroic actions is one of the reasons to choose a military dog name.
Or maybe you just want to make your dog sound tougher.
In any case, finding the perfect military name for your canine isn’t easy since there are so many options to choose from.
These names can come from many sources, like famous military dogs, war heroes, famous battles, army bases or ranks, code names, and many others.
So, take some time and check our list of military dog names to find the right name for your furry friend.
Who is the most famous military dog or dog with a military-inspired name?

To start our search for the perfect military dog name, let’s take a look at some famous warriors and war dogs.
Military dog names from ancient warriors
- Atilla
- Charlemagne
- Drake
- Genghis Khan
- Joshua
- Khan
- Saladin
- Spartacus
- Tamerlane
Modern warrior name inspirations
- Murphy (Audie Leon Murphy)
- Patton (George Patton)
- Pershing (John Joseph “Black Jack” Pershing)
- Ulysses (Ulysses S. Grant)
Dog names after military heroes
Military heroes serve as inspiration for many people, so it’s not surprising that many dogs are named after them.
- Alvin
- Ann
- Cathay
- Daniel
- Deborah
- Desmond
- Eileen
- Emma
- Eugene
- Florence
- Frank
- Herman
- Howard
- Jack
- James
- Joel
- John
- Jonas
- Kenneth
- Lawson
- Leo
- Lloyd
- Louis
- Matej
- Matt
- Melvin
- Merritt
- Neel
- Patrick
- Raymond
- Robert
- Rosie
- Samuel
- Sarah
- Smedley
- Thomas
- William
Famous war dog breeds

As we already said, dogs can also be war heroes and even win medals like Silver Star or Purple Heart. Can your pup be as tough as these dogs?
Can he be the new dog to be recognized as a war hero? Well, any dog can become a military dog and prove his worth on the front lines.
That being said, some breeds are better at military dog training, especially working dog breeds like German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies, Doberman Pinschers, Yorkshire Terriers, and others Terrier breeds, etc.
American Pit Bull Terriers have been often used in the past, but they are rarely used today.
So, if you are looking for a great name for your pooch, here are some of the most famous war dogs that served in WWI, WWII, and other wars and military conflicts.
- Adak
- Ajax
- Annie
- Baron
- Bdak
- Bertie
- Blackie
- Bobo
- Buster
- Cairo
- Candy
- Chesty
- Chips
- Chyba
- Conan
- Conny
- Cooper
- Dannie
- Dick
- Diesel
- Dino
- Duchess
- Floki
- Gander
- Geron
- Herta
- Holi
- Judy
- Just Nuisance
- Katja
- Kenner
- Kirby
- Mous
- Moustache
- Nemo
- Oori
- Pal
- Peefke
- Pito
- Queene
- Rags
- Rex
- Rexo
- Rin Tin Tin
- Rip
- Rocky
- Sallie
- Sandy
- Sarbi
- Sergeant Studdy
- Silver
- Smoky
- Stubby
- Teddy
- Tony
- Tresji
- Udo
- Wolf
- Xena
- York
5 Famous Military dogs on Instagram

Social media can also serve as inspiration for military dog names. Here are the most popular military dogs on Instagram:
- Sergeant Rex – @sergeantrex
- Kuno – @kuno_themwd
- Asur – @asurblindhero
- Argus vom Strengen Winter – @argusvomstrengenwinter
- Berri & Echo – @gsd_berri.and.furmissile_echo
What are good military dog names?
Good military dog names can be inspired by different things from the military, famous military leaders and war dogs, or events and things from different wars.
Like the Civil War in the United States, World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War, Iraq War, etc.
We will focus on all these things, so keep reading to find the perfect name for your pooch.

Military dog names inspired by the different branches of the military
There are many unique military dog names that are inspired by different branches of the military, like the U.S. Army or the U.S. Marine Corps. Let’s check them out:
Army dog names
- Army
- Bazooka
- Bethany
- Black Hawk
- Bliss
- Cadence
- Captain
- Chief
- Colonel
- Cougar
- Custer
- Elsie
- General
- Glory
- Hero
- Hunter
- Jag
- Major
- March
- Nitro
- Nyala
- Ranger
- Sarah Emma
- Sarge
- Sergeant
- Stryker
- Tank
- Yankee
Navy dog names
- Admiral
- Augusta
- Boomer
- Christi
- Elmo
- Erie
- Fallon
- Grace
- Gunnar
- Hopper
- Jersey
- Langley
- Navy
- Perry
- Petty
- Radar
- Viper
Navy SEAL dog names
- Cade
- Jesse
- Kyle
- Rudy
- Scout
- Raider
- Troy
Air Force related dog names
- Buzz
- Cannon
- Collins
- Lancer
- Maxwell
- Nemo A534
- Pilot
Marine dog names
- Bea
- Belleau
- Diamond
- Jiggs
- Lava
- Minnie
- Opha May
- Tripoli
Coast Guard dog names
- Alameda
- Ensign
- Ida
- Miles
- Seneca
- Sinbad
- Spencer
Military dog names based on Rank & Positions

Ranks and positions in the military often come as inspiration for people’s names and nicknames, but they are especially popular as dog names.
- Bomber
- Chief
- Commander
- G.I.
- Gunner
- Marine
- Private
- Sailor
- Shooter
- Skipper
- Sniper
- Soldier
- Striker
- Tracker
Military dog names based on Codewords
Naming your dog after code names in the military or unique things from military terminology will ensure that he has a one-of-a-kind name.
- Alpha
- Bravo
- Charlie
- Delta
- Echo
- Foxtrot
- Juliet
- Mike
- Oscar
- Quebec
- Romeo
- Sierra
- Tango
- Victor
- Whisky
Unique dog names from military terminology
- Bang Bang
- Jawa
- Mustang
- Semper Fi
- Snafu
- Swoop
- Zoomie
Military dog names based on Weapons

Naming your dog after weapons are bound to be a great ice-breaker in social situations, so here are some of the most popular names:
- Ammo
- Archer
- Bayonet
- Beretta
- Bullet
- Caliber
- Carbine
- Cartridge
- Colt
- Dagger
- Gauge
- Grenade
- Hammer
- Kevlar
- Kimber
- Laser
- Magnum
- Mauser
- Missile
- Musket
- Nuke
- Pistol
- Primer
- Recoil
- Reload
- Remington
- Remmy
- Ricochet
- Rifle
- Rocket
- Ruger
- Semi
- Taser
- Torpedo
- Uzi
- Wesson
Military dog names: Tanks, aircraft, & transportation
Inspired by tanks, aircraft, and other military transportation vehicles, these military dog names are quite popular today.
Tough tank names for powerful dogs
- Bradley
- Merkava
- Panzer
- Sheridan
- Sherman
Flying fortress names for tough dogs
- Antonov
- Clipper
- Havoc
- Hercules
- Hudson
- Puss Math
Military dog names: Bases & stations
Naming your dog after military bases and stations in the United States and other countries sounds like a good idea:
- Andrew
- Benning
- Campbell
- Carson
- Diego
- Gordon
- Hampton
- Jackson
- Knox
- Lejeune
- Lewis
- Luke
- Stewart
- Travis
Cool military dog names

Military names for dogs are already cool enough. However, some of them simply sound a bit cooler:
- Ace
- Adrianople
- Agnadello
- Alkmaar
- Antietam
- Apache
- Blackhawk
- Boots
- Borodino
- Boyaca
- Boyne
- Braddock
- Camo
- Cannae
- Castillon
- Chalons
- Chevron
- Chinook
- Colenso
- Combat
- Constantinople
- Dodger
- Duke
- Edgehill
- Gettysburg
- Granada
- Hap
- Hastings
- Hattin
- Honcho
- Huai-Hai
- Humvee
- Ipsus
- Jet
- Julu
- Justice
- Jutland
- Lepanto
- Leuctra
- Leuthen
- Liberty
- Leipzig
- Lutzen
- Marne
- Maverick
- Max
- Megiddo
- Metaurus
- Mylae
- Nancy
- Naseby
- Navarino
- Patay
- Pharsalus
- Poltava
- Presley
- Sacheon
- Saratoga
- Savannah
- Seacroft
- Sentinum
- Solider
- Tannenberg
- Taraori
- Tet
- Thymbra
- Trafalgar
- Trooper
- Valmy
- Walter
- Waterloo
- Yorktown
Tough military dog names
Are you looking for a military name that will make your dog sound like he is as tough as nails? Here are our favorite tough military names:
- Aim
- Ally
- Ambush
- Armor
- Assassin
- Attack
- Battle
- Blast
- Bomb
- Breach
- Brigade
- Bunker
- Cargo
- Carnage
- Carrier
- Casualty
- Chaos
- Chopper
- Crossfire
- Danger
- Defender
- Destruction
- Doom
- Dread
- Elite
- Enemy
- Fang
- Fear
- Fighter
- Fugitive
- Hazard
- Ignite
- Jets
- Legacy
- Mayhem
- Nightmare
- Patriot
- Patrol
- Rebel
- Shock
- Target
Unique military dog names

Your dog can have a really unique military name if you want. Just take a look at our suggestions below:
- Alaric
- Alex
- Alfred
- Amazon
- Arthur
- BB
- Barret
- Boudica
- Brass
- Bruce
- Buckshot
- Caesar
- Charles
- Cyrus
- David
- Disney
- Douglas
- Edward
- Eisenhower
- Flash
- Fred
- Freedom
- Garibaldi
- Garrison
- George
- Haig
- Hannibal
- Harald
- Henry
- Honor
- Hotshot
- Independence
- Indy
- Ivan
- Joan
- Leon
- Lizzy
- Matilda
- Montgomery
- Monty
- Napoleon
- Nefetiti
- Nelson
- Oliver
- Otto
- Peter
- Pompey
- Ramesses
- Rascal
- Reveille
- Richard
- Roger
- Sal
- Scipio
- Shaka
- Simon
- Sparticus
- Spirit
- Spitzer
- Sun
- Trigger
- Tudor
- Tyler
- Victory
- Wallace
- Winston
- Zippo
Best male and female military dog names

Dog lovers who are looking for the best male and female military dog names can check out our comprehensive list:
Female military dog names
- Girl military dog names A-G:
- Ailani
- Alessa
- Alessia
- Alexa
- Alice
- Ambrosia
- Andrea
- Andromeda
- Bellatrix
- Biddy
- Brenda
- Chomp
- Earthquake
- Edda
- Gabby
- Gloria
- Girl military dog names H-N:
- Havana
- Hedda
- Hera
- Hurricane
- Ilda
- India
- Jaws
- Jemima
- Joplin
- Juliett
- Kelly
- Koda
- Latoya
- Lexi
- Lima
- Lovise
- Lulu
- Mairi
- Mascot
- Maura
- Mercy
- Meredith
- Nanna
- Nediva
- Neith
- Nilda
- Noreen
- Norma
- November
- Girl military dog names O-Z:
- Olga
- Onora
- Parris
- Pepper
- Polly
- Rhetta
- Ria
- Sandra
- Seal
- Shamara
- Shelly
- Shura
- Sigfrid
- Sloane
- Solange
- Sonia
- Spider
- Spunk
- Stien
- Sylvi
- Tilda
- Tinker
- Tremor
- Trudy
- Tsunami
- Tyndall
- Ula
- Ursula
- Valencia
- Valerie
- Veronica
- Vilma
- Wera
- Whiskey
- Willa
- Xandra
- Yong
- Zandra
- Zulu
Male military dog names
- Boy military dog names A-G:
- Aaron
- Achilles
- Aegeus
- Alajos
- Alamo
- Alastair
- Alexander
- Alfa
- Aries
- Armando
- Asim
- Barnes
- Berk
- Boris
- Brody
- Browning
- Bruiser
- Chad
- Clancy
- Colvin
- Conn
- Darius
- Dieter
- Earl
- Elonso
- Ferdinand
- Gabe
- Golf
- Griffin
- Grunt
- Gunther
- Boy military dog names H-N:
- Harvard
- Helm
- Helo
- Hillard
- Hotel
- Kadir
- Kalle
- Kilo
- Knife
- Kolya
- Lance
- Lex
- Liam
- Ludek
- Luther
- Matchlock
- Milo
- Muzzle
- Boy military dog names O-Z:
- Olek
- Papa
- Pointer
- Powder
- Preben
- Priam
- Qadir
- Ram
- Rambo
- Revolver
- Rick
- Sabre
- Salvatore
- Sandro
- Scope
- Shrapnel
- Sigmund
- Slug
- Solomon
- Sword
- Tactic
- Thane
- Threat
- Umberto
- Val
- Veera
- Viggo
- X-Ray
- Yut
- Ziggy
What military name should I give my dog?
As you can see, the list of great military names for dogs is quite extensive and creative.
We hope that you have found the perfect name for your pup and that you will know how to teach your dog his new military name.
Of course, there are probably some military names that we left out or didn’t think of. Do you have any suggestions? Leave them in our comment section.
Further reading for dog names:
Cess is the Head of Content Writing at K9 Web and a passionate dog care expert with over 5 years of experience in the Pet Industry. With a background in animal science, dog training, and behavior consulting, her hands-on experience and extensive knowledge make her a trusted source for dog owners.
When not writing or leading the K9 Web content team, Cess can be found volunteering at local shelters and participating in dog-related events.