Last Updated on April 24, 2023
The French Bulldog is a cute little character that has stolen hearts all over the world, starting with the most romantic city in the world: Paris.
Parisians boosted the French Bulldog breed and made them an avant-garde fashion accessory that everyone wanted.
But, dogs are living creatures and not objects! Unfortunately, that hasn’t stopped people from seeking out the rarest Frenchie puppies with recessive genes because they are pretty.
Quick Navigation
- 1 Where did the Blue French Bulldog originate?
- 2 Appearance: What do Blue Frenchies look like?
- 3 Personality: Are Blue French Bulldogs good family dogs?
- 4 How to take care of your Blue French Bulldog?
- 5 Do Blue French bulldogs have more health problems?
- 6 How much are Blue French Bulldogs?
- 7 Who should get a Blue French Bulldog?
- 8 Further reading: Other Blue Dog Breeds You’ll Love
Where did the Blue French Bulldog originate?
All Frenchies come from Toy English Bulldogs. They were a staple of Nottingham lacemakers in the 1800s for chasing rats away from their precious lace.
When the industrial revolution started, they relocated to the French countryside with their beloved ratters.
By crossbreeding their little dogs with Pugs and terriers, the French Bulldog with their bat ears and flat faces were created.
In the beginning, they were called Bouledogue Francais, and took off in France. America followed soon after. By 1897, the French Bulldog Club of America (FBDCA) was founded.
Today, Frenchies have become a staple companion dog. They are on the top ten most popular dog breeds, as listed by the AKC.
They’ve been popularized by many celebrities and have carved a name for themselves as lap dogs with big personalities.
Along with their popularity, came the fad colors. According to the FBDCA, no reputable breeder would breed for a coat that isn’t a part of the breed standard.
This has sparked a hot debate over the Blue Frenchie, Merle Frenchie, and Lilac Pied Frenchie.
While their coat colors disqualify them from joining shows by the American Kennel Club, it hasn’t stopped Frenchie owners from keeping them as house pets.
The blue coat, in particular, is extremely popular. French Bulldogs with this blue color were once called Mouse Frenchies. Today, they are called rare and are highly sought after.
Blue Frenchies have a recessive dilution gene that causes that ghostly blue sheen on their coats.
That gene has long been associated with health problems, even in the Weimaraner breed, where it is a part of the breed standard.
To get a Blue French Bulldog, you need to breed two dogs that have the recessive dilution gene. If a puppy inherits the recessive dilution gene from both parents, it will turn his black coat blue.
Appearance: What do Blue Frenchies look like?
While all Frenchies are born with blue eyes, some Blue Frenchies keep them into adulthood. Aside from their unique coloring, Blue French Bulldogs look as cute as Frenchies of any other color.
They have their signature oversized bat ears, cheek folds, and a small stubby tail. This tail can either be stumpy, pointy or curled. It should never be long, nor should it be carried over its back.
What size are Blue French Bulldogs?
All French Bulldogs shouldn’t be more than 28 lbs (12.7 kg) or smaller than 16 lbs (7.2 kg).
There are teacup variations that can be much smaller, but they also come with their own set of problems. You can take a look at our Teacup Frenchie post here.
Blue French Bulldogs should be 11 to 13 inches (28 to 33 cm) tall. These dogs are every apartment dweller’s dream because of their small size. Moreover, they don’t bark much and they don’t need lots of exercises.
What are the color variations of a Blue French bulldog?
The Blue Frenchie does not meet the AKC breed standard as the accepted colors are only fawn or cream. Blue or any other dilute color is unacceptable.
Black or White Frenchies are also acceptable if they exhibit brindling or are piebald. See a full list of French Bulldog colors here.
Your Batpig can range from having a solid deep blue-grey coat to having a spotted coat with sparse blue spots. You can find all the different kinds of Blue Frenchies below.
Solid Blue French Bulldog
These dogs should be completely blue. They are the most common type of Blue Frenchie.
Blue Pied French Bulldog
Pied or Piebald means that the dog is mostly white, with splashes of color on the face or body. In Blue Pieds, the spots of color will be blue and their eyes can be a light color.
Blue Brindle French Bulldog
Brindle is the original Frenchie color and Blue Brindles are one of the rarest colors you can get your hands on. They need two pairs of recessive genes in order to be both blue and brindle.
They can have light-colored eyes such as green, yellow, or blue.
Blue Merle French Bulldog
Blue merle is a gorgeous color that often results in blue-eyed Clown dogs. They have a mottled coat with many splashes of color. It can be coupled with ticking.
One thing to beware of are breeders that put two merle dogs together. The puppies will be called double merles and often have health problems. They might be deaf or even suffer from organ failure.
Blue Fawn French Bulldog
One of the most popular color choices, they have a special dusky quality to their coats which are not quite blue and not quite fawn.
Blue Fawn Frenchies might exhibit brindling. Their fawn color can also be any shade, some a deep apricot and others a light cream color.
Blue and Tan French bulldog
With their signature eyebrows and tan-colored legs, they resemble tiny little Rotties. These dogs are Black and Tan Frenchies with the dilution gene.
Blue Frenchies vs Lilac Frenchies
Blue Frenchies are basically Black Frenchies with a dilute gene. Lilac Frenchies are dilute Chocolate Frenchies.
It’s possible for any colored dog to have this genetic mutation. In Fawn Frenchies, they become Platinum French Bulldogs.
Personality: Are Blue French Bulldogs good family dogs?
Personality has more to do with breeding than color. If a breeder observes all the proper breeding practices, Blue Frenchies should have the same loving and precocious temperament as Frenchies of another color.
Frenchies love cuddling with their owners or lying by their feet. They are wonderful companion dogs and make a fascinating playmate for children with their howls and vocalizations.
These small dogs don’t bark much and when they do, it’s always for good reason. This makes them great watchdogs.
They have a tendency to become overprotective of their owners because they just love them so much!
This means there’s a small chance your pet might develop separation anxiety, but with consistency and a set routine, you can easily overcome this.
With proper socialization, they could also get along well with other dogs and pets.
They aren’t dogs to be left alone all day though, so if your work requires you to be away from home for long hours, or even days, you might want to consider a different breed instead.
Basset Hounds, Chihuahuas, and Pugs are better options. With a Frenchie, you want to be home as much as you can, that’s why they are great for retirees or stay-at-home parents.
Batpigs have a bad reputation for being hard to potty train but ask any Frenchie lover and they’ll tell you the opposite.
The truth is that French Bulldogs can be a bit willful. It’s not that they aren’t intelligent, but more so that they can’t be bothered.
You’ll notice that Clown dogs are very low energy and would much prefer snoring than jumping through hoops.
Although, there’s little they won’t do for a treat. One thing that they should avoid doing is swimming. While most dogs take to water like ducks, Frenchies are too top-heavy to swim properly.
If you bring your little bundle of joy to the pool or beach, make sure to always keep an eye on him and to have him wear a life jacket.
How to take care of your Blue French Bulldog?
Frenchies rate quite high in the maintenance area. Take a look at Blue, a cute little pampered Frenchie:
They have folds that need constant care, and you also have to make sure they are at a comfortable temperature at all times. Too much sun can cause overheating, but too cold can cause hypothermia.
Since they aren’t very active dogs, you’ll need to trim their nails regularly. Make it a habit to handle their paws even when you aren’t trimming his nails.
You can hold them or stroke them to get them used to this practice. This will make nail-cutting a lot less stressful.
Exercising your Blue French Bulldog
French Bulldogs may have come from a sporting background, but they are quite content to laze around.
They do need at least one 15 minute walk a day just to get them going and making sure they stay fit and active. If you can squeeze in two walks a day, all the better. We don’t want them getting fat.
If you’re looking for a trekking or adventure buddy, we’d suggest the Golden or Labrador Retriever instead.
Frenchies cannot and should not be strained due to their flat faces. Brachycephalic breeds should never be overexerted.
This doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy a game of fetch every now and then. If you notice that their breathing is getting laborious, you should stop playing and allow them to rest.
Grooming: Do Blue Frenchies shed?
They have a smooth short coat that doesn’t need much attention. A quick brush every now and then is enough to keep any shedding under control.
It’s unfortunate, but these dogs do shed. Frenchies are not hypoallergenic. For a hypoallergenic breed, you might want to check out the types of Poodles or Shih Tzu instead.
Dogs with dilute coloring such as the Blue Frenchie are at risk for color dilution alopecia and this can affect their grooming needs.
In healthy dogs, you don’t need to shower them frequently. Stretching a few months between bathing is fine. If your dog does have a skin disorder, you’ll need to bathe them weekly with a special shampoo from your vet.
Feeding: Blue French Bulldog Food Consumption
Blue French Bulldogs require the same caloric intake as the average Frenchie. You should be feeding them 1 – 1.5 cups of high-quality kibble a day, split over two meals.
This amount shouldn’t vary very much from dog to dog.
The best dog food for Frenchies should include a joint supplement to prevent joint disorders from developing. It’s a bonus if it comes fortified with vitamins for their skin and eyes.
It also shouldn’t be too high in fat or carbs as they are a sedentary breed.
Do Blue French bulldogs have more health problems?
Yes, the Blue Frenchie can suffer from a condition that’s unique to dogs with color dilution. The gene that gives them that beautiful glossy color can also cause them to have dry skin.
In severe cases, it might cause hair loss. What’s interesting is only areas with blue fur will be affected.
Frenchies of all colors commonly suffer from pink eye, ear infections, long nails, skin fold dermatitis, and tail pocket irritation.
Their short muzzles that give them their squashed appearance can also cause health issues.
As previously mentioned, brachycephalic breeds are unsuited to an active lifestyle. This is because they are prone to have obstructed airways and can have narrow nostrils.
Aside from that, the flat-faced syndrome can also cause issues with their eyes and teeth.
Much like any other Frenchie, Blue French Bulldogs have a lifespan of 10 – 12 years, which isn’t very long when compared with other small breeds.
How much are Blue French Bulldogs?
Blue Frenchies are considered rare and can be $1,000 more expensive than normal or standard colored Frenchies.
Usually, they go for $2,000 – $3,000, but even $10,000 is not uncommon. The reason for their steep price isn’t just for their rare coat color, but because of the complications that come with breeding them.
Frenchies have large heads and narrow hips, which makes natural births or even natural conception impossible.
They will need to go through artificial insemination and a c-section to produce puppies. All of these procedures add up. Furthermore, they often only have one or two puppies, which isn’t very profitable for the breeder.
Blue French Bulldog breeders
When it comes to choosing a rare-colored Frenchie, special precaution should be taken because many only do it for the money.
A breeder that truly cares for the breed very rarely would breed outside of conformation and will always make sure their dogs are in optimal health.
Therefore, unscrupulous breeders usually cut corners and produce puppies that are less ideal specimens.
A disclaimer is in order and we are not saying that all Blue Frenchie breeders are unreliable or irresponsible, but it can be extremely hard to find one that’s decent.
Here are a few that we’ve found but please always do your research and use your gut when it comes to selecting a breeder that’s right for you:
- Blue Buddha Frenchies
- Silverblood Frenchies
- Sapphire Blue Frenchies (Nashville, TX)
Blue French Bulldog rescue / for adoption
If you are looking to rescue, great. There are plenty of Frenchies that need some tender loving care. However, you might be hard-pressed to find a Blue French Bulldog puppy sitting at the shelter.
But you can give the following shelters a try and see if they have any blue puppies or adult dogs that need a good home:
- French Bulldog Rescue Network
- French Bulldog Village (Conshohocken, PA)
Who should get a Blue French Bulldog?
If you have lots of extra time, money, and love, a Blue Frenchie is a great addition to your household.
They will definitely need slightly more care than other breeds but will give you twice the laughter and entertainment, as well as affection.
Those who are looking for the novelty of having a rare colored pet or someone who wants an active dog should definitely look somewhere else.
Further reading: Other Blue Dog Breeds You’ll Love
Veronica hails from the rainy tropics of Borneo where she landed her first job as a radio announcer. Armed with a zest for life, she’s escaped into the rainforest with a group of volunteers and traveled out of her comfort zone. After settling down and having two kids, she’s shifted her focus to writing.
A writer at heart, she has penned articles ranging from paw parent’s guide to dog training. Currently, she’s working on an ethical pet care series for children. Veronica now has five dogs and they inspire her to learn more about dog behavior every single day.