Great Pyrenees Growth and Weight Chart (Male & Female) – The Complete Guide

Last Updated on April 19, 2023

The Great Pyrenees is a well-mannered, calm dog known for his great devotion to his family.

They are very trustworthy, gentle, and affectionate. If their family is threatened, they will not hesitate to protect them.

A Great Pyrenees puppy looking up

This dog is known for its giant statue and beautiful fluffy Golden coat. As puppies, they are absolutely adorable bundles of wobbly fur.

But just how big can you expect your super cute Golden Pyrenees pup to grow? 

In this article, we’ll examine everything you need to know about the Golden Pyrenees’ growth rate, looking at how much your dog should weigh at different ages and giving tips and tricks to see if your pet is meeting his milestones.

Overview: A Few Fun Facts About the Great Pyrenees

A Great Pyrenees dog standing in the grass
A full-grown Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees are used in the Pyrenees Mountains to watch the flock and keep away predators.

They are massive, strong, and fearless dogs. The Great Pyrenees’ bite force is between 400-600 PSI. 

It’s also very interesting to know that they are bred with double dew claws that help them to climb.

This claw should never be removed unless necessary; it would be the same as removing a human thumb.

These dogs are also a very intelligent breed and can become bored very quickly; they need proper stimulation.

When they want attention and will even put their paw on you to get it.

How big do Great Pyrenees puppies grow?

The Great Pyrenees is a large dog with puppies that grow very fast. 

The males of this breed can quickly reach between 27 and 32 inches (68.5 and 81.2 cm) tall in the first year of their life, while the females will reach a height of between 25 and 29 inches (63.5 and 73.6 cm) when fully grown.

The fully-grown Great Pyrenees male’s starting weight is about 100 to 160 pounds (45.3 to 72.5 kg).

Fully-grown females are slightly lighter and start at 85 to 115 pounds (38.5 and 52.1 kg)

The Ultimate Great Pyrenees Puppy Weight Chart

You can use the guidelines below to measure your Great Pyrenees’ weight accurately and to see if he is growing appropriately for this stage of his life.

These stats should always be looked at in conjunction with regular veterinarian visits as each dog develops at their own pace, and many factors can influence growth.

Male Great Pyrenees Puppy Growth (lb & kg)

The male and female Great Pyrenees’ growth will slightly differ, with the males of this breed often being quite a bit taller and heavier than their female counterparts. 

Age Male Great Pyrenees
Average Weight
1 month 5 to 10 pounds
(2.2 to 4.5 kg)
2 months 15 to 30 pounds
(6.8 to 13.6 kg)
3 months  30 to 40 pounds
(13.6 to 18.1 kg)
4 months 45 to 55 pounds
(20.4 to 24.9 kg)
5 months 60 to 70 pounds
(27.2 and 31.7kg)
6 months 70 and 80 pounds
(31.7 and 26.2 kg)
12 months 100 and 115 pounds
(45.3 to 52.1 kg)
2 years 100 to 160 pounds
(45.3 to 72.5 kg)

Female Great Pyrenees Puppy Growth chart (lb & kg)

As discussed, although still a large dog a Great Pyrenees female puppy will usually be a lot smaller in both weight and height than a male dog.

Age Female Great Pyrenees 
Average Weight
1 month 5 to 10 pounds 
(2.2 to 4.5 kg)
2 months 10 to 25 pounds 
(4.5 to 11.3 kg)
3 months  25 and 35 pounds 
(11.3 and 15.8 kg)
4 months 35 to 45 pounds 
(15.8 to 20.4 kg)
5 months 45 to 55 pounds 
(20.4 to 24.9 kg)
6 months 50 to 60 pounds 
(22.6 to 27.2 kg)
12 months 80 and 95 pounds 
(26.2 and 43 kg)
2 years 85 to 115 pounds 
(38.5 and 52.1 kg)

Great Pyrenees Puppy Growth and Development with Pictures

To safely manage the growth of your Great Pyrenees, you need to follow its growth by using a weight chart.

Make sure you know when your Great Pyrenees will stop growing and how big they will be. 

While all dogs are individuals and will develop differently, the most important thing to know is if they are growing normally and also to be sure they are not overweight. 

0- to 4-week-old

Two one-week-old Great Pyrenees puppies sleeping
Source: @woodcrestfarmnc / IG

In the neonatal period, the Great Pyrenees pup is totally dependent on its mother.

In this newborn stage, eating and sleeping are all that matter for the puppies. Their sense of vision as well as hearing will still not work yet; only the senses of taste and touch will operate. 

Despite their colossal size, Great Pyrenees puppies only weigh about 1 pound (0.45 kg) at birth but quickly grow to 2 pounds (0.9 kg) within a week.

At two weeks, they should already weigh about 3 pounds (1.3 kg).

4-week-old (1-month-old) 

A one-month-old Great Pyrenees puppy with toy
Source: @greatpyreneesoflakeberlin / IG

By one month old, your puppy will start crawling forward and backward, wag their tails and begin standing up.

At this age, his personality has already started developing. 

During this transitional period, the puppies develop a better sense of hearing and taste.

They have already started teething, and their eyes are open to help them learn to survive without their mothers.

Up to here, the males and females seem to develop the same. By four weeks old, both the male and female Great Pyrenees pups weigh about 5 to 10 pounds (2.2 to 4.5 kg)

8-week-old (2-month-old)

A two-month-old Great Pyrenees puppy playing with a Yorkshire Terrier
Source: @kiarathegp / IG

After two months, there’s a lot of development going on in your puppy’s brain. They start to socialize and act like dogs.

They are learning to play, practicing social skills, and gaining physical coordination by barking, biting, and chasing. 

The male puppies weigh about 15 to 30 pounds (6.8 to 13.6 kg), and the female weighs about 10 to 25 pounds (4.5 to 11.3 kg).

12-week-old (3-month-old)

A three-month-old Great Pyrenees puppy by the sea
Source: @kiarathegp / IG

When the puppy reaches 12 weeks, they rapidly learn and will begin to socialize a lot.

Whatever is learned in this stage has a long-term effect on the dog’s future behavior.

That’s why now is the best time to do puppy training and obedience and socialization classes with your dog.

The female puppies will weigh between 25 and 35 pounds (11.3 and 15.8 kg), while the male will reach 30 to 40 pounds (13.6 to 18.1 kg).

Now, be prepared that from now on, your puppy will grow at a rate of 2.98 pounds (1.35 kg) per week.

16-week-old (4-month-old)

A four-month-old Great Pyrenees puppy
Source: @efronthegreatpyrenees / IG

During this 16-week-old stage, the Great Pyrenees puppies are attempting to clarify and resolve their boundaries.

They learn to obey more complex commands and can also be potty trained.

The male pups usually weigh between 45 to 55 pounds (20.4 to 24.9 kg) and the females 35 to 45 pounds (15.8 to 20.4 kg).

20-week-old (5-month-old)

A five-month-old Great Pyrenees puppy looking up
Source: @rockythegreatestpyrenees / IG

By 20 weeks, your Great Pyrenees is still a puppy, although big changes may start occurring. Their puppy fur is giving way to their adult coat.

During this period of their physical development, they also start maturing sexually.

The male’s average weight will be 60 to 70 pounds (27.2 and 31.7kg) and the female’s 45 to 55 pounds (20.4 to 24.9 kg).


A six-month-old Great Pyrenees puppy lying down in the grass
Source: @efronthegreatpyrenees / IG

At six months, your Great Pyrenees is developing their physical strength, and they need to be fed high-quality nutrients so that they will grow and develop into healthy adult dogs. 

At this stage, there might be some common changes in their behavior.

If they show signs of aggression, it should be stopped. They need to socialize with the environment and people around them and get enough exercise for proper development. 

Male pups at this stage weigh between 70 and 80 pounds (31.7 and 26.2 kg) and females 50 to 60 pounds (22.6 to 27.2 kg).


A Great Pyrenees with two other dogs
Source: @lunabearthegreat / IG

A year-old Great Pyrenees would probably have reached his full height, although he may still bulk out a bit.

Most of his growth and physical development should happen before his first birthday.

By this time, the males can weigh between 100 and 115 pounds (45.3 to 52.1 kg) and the females 80 and 95 pounds (26.2 and 43 kg)

Things You Should Know About Your Great Pyrenees’ Growth

Things you should know about Great Pyrenees' growth

During the first two years of your dog’s life, he will grow rapidly. Most of this dog’s growth, specifically in height and development, occurs within the first eight to nine months of life.

At around one year, your dog will reach his full height, and after that, he will continue to bulk out and build muscle mass.

How can you tell how big the Great Pyrenees will get?

Genetics is the most important in determining the size of your dog.

What plays a big role in the size of the Great Pyrenees is lineage and parental breeding.

A DNA test can predict the size of your puppy by giving information about the size of his parents and relatives. 

Looking at your puppy’s paws is also a way of determining how big your puppy will grow as an adult dog. If the paws are big, the chances are high that he will be a bigger dog. 

Measuring your Great Pyrenees’ weight regularly every six months will ensure they maintain a healthy weight throughout their life.

Use the growth chart as a guide to ensure that your pup is on track in its development. 

Factors that Can Impact How Big Your Great Pyrenees Will Be

Factors that affect Great Pyrenees' growth rate

The process of your Great Pyrenees’ growth does not always go very smoothly but instead comes in bursts up to their first birthday. Also, ensure that your dog gets suitable feed and exercise.


Genetics plays the primary role in how big your Great Pyrenees puppy will get.

The best way to accurately indicate how big your dog will be is to look at his mother and father. If they are giant dogs, chances are your pup will be too.


To ensure that your Great Pyrenees grow fast and big, quality nutrition will ensure healthy development. Illness or malnutrition can slow down or even stop their growth and development. 

As a giant breed, you’ll also want to ensure that your dog gets puppy food specially formulated for large dogs, as puppies that eat the wrong kind of food can grow too quickly, putting too much strain on the bones and joints and leading to malformation.

Neutering or spaying

If neutering or spaying your Great Pyrenees pup is not done at the right time, they might have lifelong health problems.

Severe hormonal deficiencies might cause your dog to grow too much or not enough if neutering or spaying is done too early.

Still, it’s also an essential operation to avoid not only unwanted puppies but also diseases like cancer.

Choosing the best age to spay or neuter the Great Pyrenees is a quite sensitive issue.

It might be smart to talk with your vet, who can determine whether your puppy’s bone development has been completed. For this, x-rays will be used. 

According to the Great Pyrenees Club of America, Great Pyrenees puppies should be spayed or neutered between 6 and 8 months.

That said, most Great Pyrenees owners take their puppies for neutering between the ages of one and two years to ensure that their bone structures are fully developed.


The growth rate of your Great Pyrenees determines if your dog is healthy or not.

If they’re on track with their weight and height, they should also be developing properly and have strong bones and teeth and healthy vision. 

Seeing as health have a great influence on your puppy’s growth, it’s of the utmost importance to supply them with the right amount of nutritional food and exercise and take them to regular vet checkups.


Exercise helps with their development as a pup and muscle formation as an adult.

That said, be careful of exercising your puppy too early, before the age of six months, as bone development might not have been completed at this stage and this can impact the formation of joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other important infrastructures.

Stunted or accelerated growth

The danger of stunted growth in dogs is that you can’t undo the damage. The same goes for accelerated growth.

Rapid growth stresses developing bones and joints, resulting in skeletal malformation because the bones are less dense and joints are fragile. 

The most common reason a dog’s growth becomes stunted is that they are infected with intestinal worms, have been intensely exercised too soon, or are malnourished.

Hormonal disorders can also affect the growth of the Great Pyrenees.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQs about Great Pyrenees' growth

What should you do if your dog is not of the right weight?

If your dog is underweight, he is probably just as vulnerable as an obese one.

Underweight dogs need food rich in protein, calories, and fat to build stronger immunity and gain muscles. Being underweight is sometimes caused by underlying illnesses. 

For your overweight Great Pyrenees, choose weight-management kibbles that are low in calories and fat but contain high protein for muscle building.

Also, make sure that they are more active.

What should you do if your pup is growing too fast?

If your Great Pyrenees is growing too fast, take him to the vet, who will detect any hormonal abnormalities.

It is also essential to feed your dog high-quality, large-breed puppy food to prevent it from growing too fast.

How much do different Great Pyrenees crossbreeds weigh?

A Great Pyrenees Golden Retriever mix
Source: @torahtrendygirl / IG

The Great Pyrenees is often crossed with other dogs, both smaller and larger than him, to create some adorable crossbreeds.

Here are some of the most popular Great Pyrenees mixes and their average weight.

  • Golden Pyrenees (Great Pyrenees Golden Retriever mix): Up to 120 pounds (54.4 kg)
  • Pyrador (Great Pyrenees Lab Mix): 55 to 90 pounds (24.9 to 40.8 kg)
  • Germanees (Great Pyrenees German Shepherd mix): 75 to 120 pounds (34 to 45.3 kg) 
  • Anatolian Pyrenees (Great Pyrenees Anatolian Shepherd mix): 80 to 140 pounds (36.2 to 63.5 kg) 

Conclusion: How Big Will Your Great Pyrenees Get?

As you know, the Great Pyrenees is a giant breed. You can expect these dogs to get very big, even upwards of 100 pounds or 45.3 kg.

That said, the exact size of your dog is influenced by many factors, including his genetics, health, and even whether or not you decide to spay or neuter your puppy.

Males of the Great Pyrenees breed are also typically larger than females, while your dog’s diet and exercise regime can also play a role in development.

That’s why it’s a good idea to track your dog’s weight at each age to see if he’s in line with the norms for the breed.

Do you own a Great Pyrenees? We would love to hear all about him and how big he is in the comments below.

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